Equality of Access to Education Health & Social Care
In Leeds and surrounding areas

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Working Together
We work in partnership with many bodies and organisations to supply equality of access to education, health and social care provision.
Community Engagement
BHI understands the importance of effective community engagement and fully supports and facilitates this.
BHI was the first 3rd sector organisation to receive the NHS Personal, Fair and Diverse Champion Award.
Equality For All
We seek equality for all, working for and with men, women, teenagers, seniors and the community.

Providing Information & Practical Support

BHI is a community engagement organisation working towards equality of access to health and social care within Leeds and the surrounding areas for disadvantaged communities.
Health & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing

Working to address health inequalities
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Supporting Seniors

Supporting Seniors

Working with older people to reduce social isolation
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FREE & confidential counselling service
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Our Understanding

BHI understands the importance of effective community engagement which affords minority communities opportunities to engage with service providers and influence services, policies and procedures with the emphasis of deliberate inclusion.

We work in partnership with:
- NHS Leeds
- Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Leeds City Council
- Schools and other Education Providers
- Voluntary sector Organisations
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