The Fusion Xtra Café began in 2014 with addressing the issue of social isolation amongst marginalised individuals who were not attending any provisions within the immediate geographical community.
The age group ranges from 55 upwards. We provide physical exercise for all with movements that can be safely repeated within your own home. Reminiscence programme, social and educational trips and indeed many of those who attend actively contribute to taskforce/consultation e.g. frailty, falls, memory loss national with NHS England.
Why Should I Join?
See below the benefits of attending our programme as well as what we provide:
Benefits of attending:
The benefits of attending the Fusion Xtra Cafe include:
Social and personal development
Fine motor skills through arts and crafts activities
Physical fitness through chair-based exercise classes
Mental health through adult mind stimulation activities along with regular attendance from the community memory support worker
Social interaction and engagement games
Information sessions from various service providers on Health and Wellbeing
A healthy nutritionally balanced meal
Music, singing and fun activities
Endorsing the Leeds Health Agenda:
Fusion Xtra Café endorses the Leeds Health Agenda by working with the poorest faster to narrow the health disparities through:
Increased access to services, decreasing DNA (Do Not Attends)
Developing the awareness of dementia/memory loss and alzheimer’s to those communities who had/have little knowledge
Connecting service providers with service users they often call ‘hard to reach’
What do we provide:
We provide through this programme:
Hospital visits for members who have no relatives/friends to visit them
Referrals to various services and the district nurses including fall assessments to avoid hospital admissions
A buddy to attend GP/hospital appointments
Home visits by staff from Fusion Xtra who are all dementia-friendly trained
Join The Programme
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About Us
BHI is a community engagement organisation working towards equality of access to Health and Social Care around Leeds.